My Resolutions for the Month of February and March

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

I would solve my queries on Internet marketing. I find it interesting but do not understand it much.

I would try to be more organized with my official as well as personal work.

I would call all of my friends at least once in 10 days. I know they would be angry at my not calling them up on a frequent basis.

I would spend less on our Kerala trip.


I am Obsessed with Weight Loss

Many of my friends have told me that I am obsessed with weight loss. They say I needlessly follow the ways of losing weight. I know they are right but, honestly speaking, I cannot help it. I have always adored nice body shape. I just cannot allow myself to eat foods rich in calories, or better say 'wrong' for health. Well, friends, you will have to bear with me.


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